Investing in a healthy future: find out about grants and subsidies for your individual sewage system

Investing in a healthy future: find out about grants and subsidies for your individual sewage system

Posted on 11 Dec 2023 by Lise Helluy

When you consider installing an individual sewage system, you're taking a crucial step towards preserving your domestic environment and ensuring the sustainability of your home. However, the need for a substantial budget can be a major obstacle. Fortunately, public authorities recognize the importance of such investments, and offer a range of grants and subsidies to ease the transition.

In this article, we'll explore in detail the various forms of financial support available, highlighting the specific advantages of compact filters, including those offered by BIOROCK.

The available subsidies :

  1. Zero rate eco-loan and VAT reduction : Compact filters such as those from BIOROCK are eligible for the French eco-loan scheme (EcoPTZ), offering an advantageous financing solution. What's more, this ecological decision also entitles you to a reduction in VAT to 10%, considerably lightening the initial cost of the investment. Many countries offer this assistance, so it's important to find out if it's available in your country of residence. 
  2. Water agency subsidies: Water agency subsidies vary from region to region, but they represent a valuable source of financial support for individual sanitation projects. Although the process may vary from agency to agency, it is essential to explore these opportunities to maximize the financial benefits.
  3. Local subsidies: In addition, many municipalities from different countries offer specific subsidies to encourage sustainable wastewater treatment initiatives. These programs may include direct subsidies, tax reductions or other financial benefits. 
  4. ANAH (national housing agency) : If your individual sewage system works are part of the renovation of an existing dwelling, the ANAH, for example, can also provide financial support. In exchange, you agree to live in the house for at least 6 years. If you don't live in France, it's possible that similar assistance exists in your country, so don't forget to check. 

aides état ANC

In short, although individual sanitation represents a substantial financial investment, its advantages in terms of autonomy and environmental impact make it an enlightened choice. The various grants and subsidies available play an essential role in reducing the initial cost. Don't forget to maintain your individual sanitation system regularly to avoid any malfunctions, thus ensuring optimum long-term performance. It's a significant investment in the future of your family and your home.

Explore the full range of BIOROCK solutions for sewage treatment plants here. Take the first steps today to ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future for your home and community.

Also read our articles on the price differences between compact filters and micro-station, administrative costs and maintenance costs to find out more about the budget that needs to be allocated to the installation of a wastewater treatment plant.

For in-depth information on compact filters and the specific advantages they offer, contact us today!

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