MONOBLOCK installed in the village of Aristi in Greece

MONOBLOCK installed in the village of Aristi in Greece

The structure and the environmental context:

Our partner in Greece has once again set up a BIOROCK installation. It took place in the village of Aristi in North-Western Greece, in the province of Zagori. BIOROCK solutions are particularly well adapted to the needs of this village, due to their ease of installation and their operation without electricity.

The challenge:

The builder is a private person. He made this purchase out of ecological awareness and placed it in the old house he had renovated. The two main challenges to overcome during this project were: 

  • Access to his apartment is complicated because the streets are narrow. 
  • The ground is very rocky.

The solution:

The MONOBLOCK is the best solution for him because it works without electricity and supports protracted periods of absence. Moreover, this system is adapted to rocky grounds. Finally, being very compact, access to narrow streets was not a problem. Both challenges were overcome with this solution.

The results:

The customer is delighted with the MONOBLOCK system. 

Photos taken on site: